New additions to Pantaloon Primo…

As the premium version of the Pantaloon newsletter matures, we’ve slowly been refining its offering and adding new benefits and perks to the subscription. On top of guaranteed monthly game keys, primo-only comms, access to exclusive betas & demos, and various Discord perks, we’ve also recently added two substantial additions, with one more one the way soon:

  1. A Steam Key for Headspun

Thanks to Superstring (sidenote for transparency: Superstring is my studio and sister company of sorts to Pantaloon), the Primo subscription now includes a Steam key for Headspun; an FMV/Adventure hybrid set in the human brain. Sign up to Primo, and claim your Steam key right off the bat.

As Pantaloon grows, we’re looking to add more titles to the Primo service, which will be available at all times to subscribers. More on this down the line.

2. The Puzzle Archive

Primo subscribers now access an archive of all past Pantaloon Puzzles. This means new subscribers don’t miss out on what’s come before, with a growing library of puzzles that can be accessed any time.

That’s it for now, but we’ll soon also be adding the Primo Pantaloon Puzzle - which is a feature length Pantaloon Puzzle that can be accessed through our Discord channel, with more bespoke use of our new Discord Hint system. We’re currently tweaking and testing this, but will let you all know once it’s live.

Rest assured there is also more on the way. We’re adamant the Primo service packs as much value as possible, and we’re already looking at additions and refinements for the future. Stay tuned.


Bold & Bizarre Games Bulletin (JUNE)


Pantaloon’s game for June is: KIDS