Bold & Bizarre Games Bulletin (JUNE)
It's time for your Bold & Bizarre Bulletin; a monthly round up of weird, wayward and otherwise notable games for June. This is the archived version of our monthly newsletter, and as such - our monthly Pantaloon Puzzle contained within it is disabled.
Let us commence!
Arctic Eggs is a sci-fi cooking game that couldn't be fuRther from the slew of wholesome and quaint cooking games one might expect from the genre. Surreal and dense with an atmosphere that's quite hard to put your finger on, Arctic Eggs is an enigma of a game that is both funny and dark, high-brow and ridiculous at the very same time. tand out
Wrapped in lovecraftian themes and an atmosphere of cosmic horror, Skald: Against the Black Priory feels like an original entry in a now sprawling CRPG franchise from a parallel universe where Baldur's Gate or Ultima never existed. Well written, with a depth and maturity that can only be possible from a game that rEvisits a genre decades later, with all the learnings, nuances and fan-expectations intact.
Psychroma appeared in Future of Play during Summer Game Fest, with the game's release hot its heels last week, followed by some chatter about it in our own Discord server (which is where I first became aware of it). Psychroma is a nArrative-driven side-scroller casting you as a digital medium, with a time-jumping mechanic allowing you to explore a cybernetic house. Despite its unsettling vibes, it looks gorgeous and deftly tackles its weighty subject matter.
As a huge World of Horror fan, No Skin scratches a similar itch. With turn-based battles against the kind of ineXplicable entities you might come across in a bout of nightmarish delirium, No Skin offers a rouguelike framework with new characters and content that can be unlocked between runs, as you pursue the ultimate goal of finding the truth behind the No-Skin Man.
Your Pantaloon Puzzle [archived - no active reward]
June’s puzzle is now waiting for you. The format is the same as last month: five levels, with completion of the fifth guaranteeing your key for KIDS.
What’s NEW this month, however, is our hint system. Join the Pantaloon Puzzle channel on our Discord Server, ask “clue for June level [X]”, and you’ll be given a hint for that particular level.
Alright, welcome to Level 1. The password for Level 2 is (not) wxbcjuprj.
Reminder! Pantaloon's partnered game for June is KIDS
Keys will be going out to Primo subscribers a day early on June 26th. As a primo-person you are guaranteed a copy, so all you need do is sit back and relax.
Ok! That’s June’s Bulletin in the bag. See you next month.