a home for misfits 

Pantaloon’s mission is simple: to offer a pedestal to the bold and bizarre, and create a home for misfits.

We’re looking to build a label of games that are:


we’re looking for games that raise eyebrows; games with unorthodox aesthetics, games that combine unlikely systems, games that make you quietly mouth “double you tee eff”


we’re looking for games that take the path that the bandwagon didn’t. We want to work with spirited risk-takers and misfits, and be a hole for square-pegs.


we’re looking for small games with big hooks. We want to represent games that can communicate their big ideas quickly and clearly, with experiences that then don’t outstay their welcome.

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  • If you want to use that term, then sure. My hesitance here is that the world does not need another indie publisher. The market is saturated, but our vision is wholly different. We publish games, yes, but we’re a game label that follows a different north star. You’ll see soon.

  • We’re not genre-allegiant. Pantaloon games are puzzle games, horror games, comedy games, role-playing, roguelikes and text adventures.

    What unites the Pantaloon label is a penchant for the peculiar, and games that look to steer clear of the bandwagon.

    We want our signing strategy to be defined by risk.

  • The newsletter is where it all began. Bold and bizarre game recommendations and partner games straight to your inbox. We don’t intend on stopping any time soon, either.

    Social media is broken, let’s be honest, and we believe email is the most powerful form of enriching the out-of-game experience. We’re working on some VERY NIFTY things relating to our newsletter, and will be sharing more later in the year. Want the first word? Best sign up to the newsletter, then.

  • Well exactly. Pantaloon’s label is an extension of our mission to platform the peculiar. We will still be offering up a pedestal to bold and bizarre games, and will be running our newsletter in much the same way we did before. Nothing will change on that front.

  • Yes please! pitch@pantaloon.io