Welcome to the House of Misfits.

Hark! It is time we made some noise.

The house of misfits is open.

Pantaloon is broadening its mission of platforming bold and bizarre games by moving into the world of original publishing, as we seek to become a home for misfits with our new game label.

First order of business? We’re bringing three (!) games to market this year, and are now actively looking to sign more weird and wayward games to bring to our label of misfits.

Before looking at our first titles, some context: I will submit that the world does not need another indie publisher, but the Pantaloon Label is driven by a different vision, with a combination of philosophies, terms and technologies (no, not that one) that will make it stand out. We’re currently hard at work on a platform that will underpin our new label, and will be unveiling this later in the year.

Our newsletter - now approaching 30k subscribers - will remain the Sun around which everything else will orbit.

We’ll still be providing the most unreasonably delightful mailing list in games, we'll still be offering up games from incredible partners each month, and we'll still be curating and championing the best from the frontlines of the indie.

What we'll also now be doing is weaving email more deeply into the way we operate as a game label, with a plethora of exciting initiatives we'll be lifting the lid on over the course of the year. The newsletter is at the heart of it all. Sign up! Let me show you.

Onto more interesting things! The games!

The first title under our new label is Sub-Verge; a psychological narrative puzzle game from Interactive Tragedy, and a title that builds a fascinating bridge between puzzles and story. Sub-Verge marks Zach Dodson’s transition as a novelist (and owner of a book publishing house) into the world of games.

We’re also partnering with Tributary Games on Occlude, which takes the Solitaire ruleset and transforms it through a lens of cosmic horror, offering a meta-challenge where the rules are esoteric and ever-changing. With cerebral puzzles and a rich, lore-dense narrative, Occlude looks to take the revered card game into uncharted territory.

The third title you might have heard of already; an ever-evolving ensemble of riddles, challenges and interactive oddities. Updated regularly, Puzzletrunk is tied to Pantaloon‘s mission of platforming bold and bizarre games. Solve the puzzle, get your key for a notable indie game as a reward.

This is just the start, of course, and we’re now actively looking to fill our books with offbeat, vibrant games that cock heads and raise eyebrows. For any developers who might be reading this (hello!) and possibly interested in our services, we’ve made our publishing terms public, which we hope offers some transparency to things.

There’s a billion other things I’m excited to talk about, but for now, there’s work to be done.

Please follow our new publisher page on Steam, and join the Discord channel to chat with us about anything and everything related to the above.

More soon x


Pantaloon’s game for March is GRID RANGER


Puzzletrunk is coming to Steam!