want to be more than friends?

pantaloon is building a network of content creators and influencers who will be plugged directly into the mains, and receive a host of perks and benefits. This program is currently in a beta form, but those in on the ground floor will play a crucial role in shaping its future…

ambassadors get…

a primo subscription

a free primo subscription, which includes guaranteed game keys and exclusive primo-only content.

early game keys

pantaloon ambassadors will receive our partnered games a week ahead of the crowd, in anticipation of content-creation lead times.

content creator kit

if you’re streaming or playing one of our partnered games, we’ll make sure you look the part. For channels over a certain threshold, we also have a special bonus…

apply now

apply now


  • You have 1000+ YouTube subscribers / 500+ Twitch followers / 1000+ TikTok followers

  • Active creator — you post content weekly at a minimum

  • You enjoy weird, wayward games, and so does your audience.

  • You’re not a dick, and you don’t position your whole online persona around being ‘angry’.

  • That’s it!